Sondel S.p.A.

Falck Group company specialized in electricity

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Branch: Energy Utilities
Partnering since: 1992

Project Management
Construction Supervision

Our story with Sondel

In the 1992 we started working with Eng. Faldini, Eng. Bragagnoli and Eng. Giordano with whom we designed the first Cogeneration plant in Italy for Sondel at the Falck receiving electricity area in Sesto San Giovanni.

It was an innovative work for Italy carried out in just 12 months between project and construction, solving several issues never addressed at that time. In fact, there was no regulatory reference for fire prevention and therefore we contacted Eng. Leonardo Corbo, then commander of Fire Brigade in Milan, with whom we developed a list of rules and prescriptions that were used in that plant and in the subsequent ones made in Italy.

The other peculiarity was that the plant is for the most part inside a building with 18 meters deep in the basement and 18 meters above the ground with a gas turbine and a steam turbine resting on springs to dampen the dynamic effects.


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